Luke Morrigan
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No comment: Adding Webmentions to my site

While I was rebuilding my website in Eleventy, I saw Amber Wilson's article about adding Webmentions to her siteAvatar for shared on Twitter. I'd heard of Webmentions but I'd never really looked into them and while I was reading Amber's post, I thought that it's a really cool idea and added them to the list of things I wanted to add to my site.

What's a Webmention?

A Webmention is a way to let a website know that it's been mentioned by someone, somewhere on the web.

As an example: if I write a blog post and someone finds it interesting, then they can write their own blog post linking to mine and their website's software could send me a Webmention. I can then take that Webmention and display it on my website with a link to their article.

In fact, by linking to Amber's post above, I've sent her a Webmention. Cool, right?

Webmentions are a W3C RecommendationAvatar for and is part of the IndieWeb movementAvatar for It's basically pingback but reimplemented without all the XML mess, just a POST request with the source URL (page that mentions the post) and the target URL (the post being mentioned).

Ok, how do add Webmentions to my site?

From a high level, there are 3 steps you need to take to add Webmentions to your site:

  1. Declare an endpoint so that your site can recieve Webmentions
  2. Display Webmentions within your site
  3. Send Webmentions to other sites

So we'll go through these stages, and I'll talk about how I integrated it into my website with EleventyAvatar for

Declaring an endpoint so that your site can recieve Webmentions

To be able to recieve webmentions, you need to declare an endpoint. In his Parsing Webmentions postAvatar for, Jeremy Keith talks about building a minimum viable webmention endpoint in PHP. It's definitely worth a look if you really want to build something, but otherwise you should use a service like Webmention.ioAvatar for, which is what I did.

To sign into, you'll need to set up web sign-in on your websiteAvatar for I did this by adding rel="me" to the Twitter and GitHub links in my navigation, and ensuring that my Twitter and GitHub profiles link to my website.

Once signed in, you can find the tags you'll need to add to your head tag that will tell other sites where to send webmentions. If you can't find them straight away, try going to the settingsAvatar for page.

In my case, the tags look like this:

<link rel="webmention" href="" />
<link rel="pingback" href="" />

Now your website can get Webmentions!

Displaying Webmentions on your website

So now that we're gathering Webmentions, we need to show them somewhere. The way that you do this entirely depends on how your website is built and how you gathered your webmentions, I'll be writing this with and Eleventy in mind but some of this will be transferrable.

Fetching webmentions

To grab your Webmentions, has an APIAvatar for that returns data as JSON. Through the API, you can request all the mentions for your domain, and the mentions for specific pages. With Eleventy, we can grab this data and and display it nicely in our pages.

Eleventy has data files, and you can use JavaScript data filesAvatar for to do some processing at build time. This means that we can do a call to and grab all of our Webmentions before we process any of the website content. An example of how we can do this is:

const fetch = require("node-fetch");

module.exports = async () => {
const domain = process.env.DOMAIN; // e.g.
const token = process.env.WEBMENTION_IO_TOKEN; // found at the bottom of

const url = `${WEBMENTION_BASE_URL}?domain=${domain}&token=${token}&per-page=1000`;

try {
const res = await fetch(url);
if (res.ok) {
const feed = await res.json();
return feed.children;
} catch (err) {
return [];

If we save the above as webmentions.js within the _data folder of our Eleventy project, then we'll have an array of the 1000 most recent Webmentions for our website available under the webmentions key in all of our templates.

Filtering and rendering

We've grabbed the data, but it's just one big array for the whole domain. We need to filter this array so that we only get the mentions for the page that we're currently rendering. Within that data, we also have different types that we probably want to separate out into groups, such as likes, reposts and replies.

The different types of Webmentions supported by are:

  • in-reply-to
  • like-of
  • repost-of
  • bookmark-of
  • mention-of
  • rsvp

For my site, I'll be using in-reply-to, mention-of, like-of and repost-of, with in-reply-to and mention-of grouped together as comments.

The steps we'll be going through are:

  • Filter to get Webmentions for the current page, and of the types of mention that we want
  • Sort the Webmentions by publish date
  • Truncate any long mentions

That would look something like this:

const { URL } = require("url");

function webmentionsForPage(webmentions, page) {
const url = new URL(page, "").toString();

const allowedTypes = {
likes: ["like-of"],
reposts: ["repost-of"],
comments: ["mention-of", "in-reply-to"],

const clean = (entry) => {
if (entry.content) {
if (entry.content.text.length > 280) {
entry.content.value = `${entry.content.text.substr(0, 280)}&hellip;`;
} else {
entry.content.value = entry.content.text;
return entry;

const pageWebmentions = webmentions
.filter((mention) => mention["wm-target"] === url)
.sort((a, b) => new Date(b.published) - new Date(a.published))

const likes = cleanedWebmentions
.filter((mention) => allowedTypes.likes.includes(mention["wm-property"]))
.filter((like) =>
.map((like) =>;

const reposts = cleanedWebmentions
.filter((mention) => allowedTypes.reposts.includes(mention["wm-property"]))
.filter((repost) =>
.map((repost) =>;

const comments = cleanedWebmentions
.filter((mention) => allowedTypes.comments.includes(mention["wm-property"]))
.filter((comment) => {
const { author, published, content } = comment;
return author && && published && content;

return {

This is a long chunk of code, but we can set this up as a custom filterAvatar for in our Eleventy config and then we can use it in our templates.

To display our Webmentions, we can render them with a partial like this:

{%- set postMentions = webmentions | webmentionsForPage(page.url) -%}

{% for like in postMentions.likes %}
<a href="{{ like.url }}" target="_blank" rel="external noopener noreferrer">
src="{{ or '/static/images/webmention-avatar-default.svg' }}"
alt="{{ }}"
{% endfor %}

{% for repost in postMentions.reposts %}
<a href="{{ repost.url }}" target="_blank" rel="external noopener noreferrer">
src="{{ or '/static/images/webmention-avatar-default.svg' }}"
alt="{{ }}"
{% endfor %}

{% for comment in postMentions.comments %}
src="{{ or '/static/images/webmention-avatar-default.svg' }}"
alt="{{ }}"
<a href="{{ }}" target="_blank" rel="external noopener noreferrer">
{{ }}
<time class="dt-published" datetime="{{ comment.published }}">
{{ comment.published | date("YYYY-MM-DD") }}
<p>{{ comment.content.value }}</p>
<a href="{{ comment.url }}" target="_blank" rel="external noopener noreferrer">
View original post
{% endfor %}

Now we have our webmentions rendering in the page!

Sending webmentions to other sites

Remy SharpAvatar for has built a great tool called Webmention.appAvatar for that takes care of sending your outgoing Webmentions. You can pass it a page or RSS feed URL and it'll go through, grab any links and send Webmentions (or pingbacks) to any sites that support it.

The documentationAvatar for has a few different ways to integrate it with your website. Originally I used an outgoing webhook within Netlify to get to send out my Webmentions, but I've now released a Netlify build plugin that doesn't rely on the website.

The Webmentions Netlify build pluginAvatar for is a wrapper around the tool that runs, but by using the build plugin, you can avoid relying on a third party service. It'll all be done locally within the build!

Bonus: Using Bridgy to gather social media interactions

Like a lot of people, I share my blog posts on Twitter to spread it a bit more, and I often get interactions such as likes, retweets and replies. Twitter doesn't support Webmentons, but I can use BridgyAvatar for to monitor Twitter for me and send Webmentions to my site for any interactions or links to my site.

But Bridgy doesn't just support Twitter, it supports a whole host of other social networks like Instagram, Facebook and Mastodon too!


I hope this has given you an insight into what Webmentions are, and a rough idea of how to implement them on your site. I originally thought it was going to be super difficult and complex, but there were some great posts, examples and resources that really helped.

Update 2022-06-28

I've now published a reworked and refined version of this as a plugin!Avatar for You can read more about it in No Comment 2: The Webmentioning.